Vegan & Gluten-free Cookies
- ヴィーガンとは -
- グルテンフリーとは -
グルテンを含む食品を摂取しない食生活のことです。 グルテンは小麦粉に含まれるグルテニンとグリアジンという2種類のたんぱく質が絡み合ってできたものです。
Vegan & Gluten-free Cookies
・Fruit Cookies
These cookies are typical of a fruit specialty store, with three ingredients to enjoy: raisins, figs, and oranges.
This is an almond florentin cookie with a carefully baked aroma and crunchy texture that goes well with raisins.
These orange-flavored cookies combine rich cookie dough with a jam made entirely from orange, beet sugar and lemon juice, accented with finely chopped orange zest.
In order to bring out the flavor of matcha, we purposely made the cookies with less sweetness. These cookies have three layers of matcha to make you feel the taste of matcha, and they have a cute stripe pattern.
These cookies are filled with raspberry jam and dusted with raspberry powder for a perfect balance of sweet and sour.
- What is Vegan? -
It refers to a complete vegetarianism (or vegetarian) and is sometimes translated as "total vegetarian." In addition to meat and fish, vegans do not consume animal products such as eggs and dairy products. The idea is to avoid exploiting the lives of animals for food, clothing and other purposes whenever possible.
- What is Gluten-free? -
It refers to a diet that does not include foods containing gluten.
Gluten is a mixture of two types of proteins found in flour, glutenin and gliadin.
・フルーツクッキー ~Fruit Cookies~
These cookies are typical of a fruit specialty store, with three ingredients to enjoy: raisins, figs, and oranges.
・フロランタン ~Florentin~
This is an almond florentin cookie with a carefully baked aroma and crunchy texture that goes well with raisins.
・オレンジ ~Orange~
These orange-flavored cookies combine rich cookie dough with a jam made entirely from orange, beet sugar and lemon juice, accented with finely chopped orange zest.
・抹茶 ~Matcha~
In order to bring out the flavor of matcha, we purposely made the cookies with less sweetness. These cookies have three layers of matcha to make you feel the taste of matcha, and they have a cute stripe pattern.
・ラズベリー ~Raspberry~
These cookies are filled with raspberry jam and dusted with raspberry powder for a perfect balance of sweet and sour.
- ヴィーガンとは -
What is Vegan?
It refers to a complete vegetarianism (or vegetarian) and is sometimes translated as "total vegetarian." In addition to meat and fish, vegans do not consume animal products such as eggs and dairy products. The idea is to avoid exploiting the lives of animals for food, clothing and other purposes whenever possible.
- グルテンフリーとは -
What is Gluten-free?
It refers to a diet that does not include foods containing gluten.
Gluten is a mixture of two types of proteins found in flour, glutenin and gliadin.
フルーツクッキー 1個
フロランタン 1個
オレンジ 1個
抹茶 1個